Candidate Search
Want to expand your range of potential job candidates? When it’s time to broaden your search to include passive as well as active candidates, Candidate Search is for you.
Candidate Search has two components: profiles and resumes. Profiles come from a wide range of sources, and are continually refreshed. Resumes contain job history details and contact information. Together they are a great complement to your traditional recruitment activities.
Download the Candidate Search PDF
DownloadCandidate Search from Destin Log has two components: profiles and resumes. Profile search gives you a broad view of potential candidates. It works well when it’s important to see fresh information on the kinds of people who meet your criteria. Resume search works well when you need contact information, but the latest employment history is not as important.
Benefits of Candidate Search:
- Reaches a wide range of potential candidates, including those who are not actively in the job market.
- Works well in conjunction with recruiting solutions targeting active job seekers, such as our Audience and Industry Networks.
- Based on your specific criteria.
- Profiles:
- Over 120MM candidate profiles.
- Profiles come from a range of online sources, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+™, StackOverflow, GitHub®, Quora®, MeetUp® and others
- Resumes:
- Over 30MM candidate resumes from our online databases
- Search and filter results by several criteria, for both profiles and resumes:
- Keyword
- Location
- Job category
- Distance
- Experience
- In addition, you can narrow your results for profiles by additional criteria, including job title, industry, company, college / university, or skills / expertise.
- You can narrow your results for resumes by education level, employment type, citizenship, salary, and recent activity (this is one method of checking how fresh the resume is).
- Save your search for future use.
- Save interesting profiles and resumes.
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